The question, how to make Pakistan strong stirs something tickling and sensational in the heart and soul of every Pakistani. Every inhabitant has his own answer to this Question in the light of his mental capability. Some will hold the stance that for the better and move production of crops, agriculture needs to be improved. Other will take the position that the only way of making Pakistan strong and fortified lies in its rapid industrialization.
Some are of the opinion that the true strength of Pakistan lies in practicing democracy and democratization of its institutions. Some will hold the view that Pakistan can become strong only if its armed forces are fortified and are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.
The realization of all their dreams depends on only one factor and it can do miraculous job to embellish the condition of its masses and thus make Pakistan strong. The factor is that every citizen of Pakistan, literate or illiterate, high or low, skilled and un-skilled should confine himself to his own field and then do his job efficiently and honestly.
I know it is not so easy as it looks. But this is what Pakistan demands from its citizens at present. It will definitely produce positive results, if we.start to perform our assigned duties with sheer application and honesty.
If we succeed to perform our duties like this, we will definitely be doing great service in making our country strong and invulnerable. If all of us make it an article of faith with us that we are workers in whatever capacity we are working and are answerable not only to ourselves, to our country and, above all, to our creator, then nothing can go wrong with the destiny of Pakistan.
If the lawyers go to courts for upholding the cause of just and fair play, judges will feel pleasure in giving their true judgement and verdict without favour or fear. If doctors attend to their patients with great love and humane spirit. Teachers go_ to their classes fully prepared and confident that they are to inspire their students. Students will listen to their teachers with rapt attentions and reverence and will not indulge in agitational politics.
If our politicians attend to ameliorate the conditions of the poor and the down trodden, devising ways and means of raising the honour and prestige of the country among the comity of nations, and up holding the glorious traditions of their forefathers, nothing untoward will happen to Pakistan. If the armed forces know the task of defending the borders of their dear homeland, no enemy will ever try to make any aggression against Pakistan.
If the capitalists do not invest their money only in those schemes which give them prompt return and high profit, rather they keep in view the better national interests, they will do a great job for the development and prosperity of Pakistan. If we same the precious foreign exchange or income the exports, we can make Pakistan strong in the real sense. Smuggling, hoarding, corruption, jobbery, bribery, nepotism, underinvoicing and over-invoicing, if controlled with national spirit, nothing wrong happens to Pakistan.
More exports and less imports will boost the foreign exchange reserves which in turn, will increase the value of rupee in the international money market; the prestige of the nation and Pakistan will so sky high.
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