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Drugs and Narcotics Essay

Drugs and Narcotics Essay

Narcotics is one of the most dangerous things which has destroyed the precious basis of millions of young men all over the world. The word narcotic is used for a number of drugs, which it is presumed, make people feel better, albeit temporarily, whereas the reality is quite the reverse.

The fact is that these drugs, unless they are taken under a qualified doctor's advice and care, are extremely toxic and harmful. Narcotics are habit forming and one uses them is known as an addict. He becomes so much dependent on the drug that he will not desist from committing a crime, even a felony, if he cannot get it otherwise. That's why almost all governments have banned them and declared them illegal.
Narcotics have been called by different names in different countries. The more popular names used for them in America are "dope" and "drugs". A narcotic is a drug which produces narcosis, a state of numbness, "in which a person loses most or all of his power of feeling and may lose consciousness".

He falls into such a deep sleep that he cannot be awakened unless the effects of the drug have been evaporated. At the same time, there are certain other drugs which produce quick the otherwise effect. A person who uses them cannot sleep rather he becomes, "more wide awa',.e than era". These drugs ;are also called narcotics. 
Narcotics have a medicinal value as well throughout the ages the doctors and physicians have been using them in an effective manner and helping the patients to get relief from acute pain. International criminals, in their lost for money and power are playing havoc with the lives of millions of young people all over the world. They use devious methods to allure young people and make addicts out of them.

Once a person becomes an addict, he is totally at the mercy of these criminals and cannot have to escape from their clutches. The people whose minds are preyed upon by financial or other worries also fall victims to this reprehensible practice. 

There are certain drugs which .cause bodily addiction. In this kind of addiction the body of the victim becomes dependent on drugs and he almost craves for them in her increasing quantities. If this craving is checked, he suffers severe physical and mental pain. 

The drugs which produce physical addiction are usually obtained from opium which in itself a product of the poppy plant. It is transformed into various drugs which are called opiates. One of them is morphere, which is used by medical profession as a pair killer. Another is heroin which is extremely popular among the addicts. Still another are is codeine. It has medicinal value and is used in many cough medicines.

But it is taken as a drug as well and is fraught with unfortunate consequences for its victims. 
Narcotics can be classified into two categories:  stimulants or depressants. Stimulants, of which cocaine is one, step up all the activities of the body. The heart beats faster, the lungs draw in more air and the feeling of tiredness evaporates for the time being. On the other hand, the depressants, such as opiates, slow down the activity of the body; their user feels calm and relaxed and often goes to sleep. 

The narcotics pose a huge problem for the society. They are now considered an illness. Almost like every other illness, they are curable. Arrangements for their treatment 
have been made in many hospitals of Pakistan. Their victims can be cured in four or six months and they can again lead a normal life provided that they keep away from there fatal drugs. 
It's our utmost duty, being citizens of Pakistan, to join hand with the government in its fight against drugs.

Government or anti-narcotics agent agencies cannot play a decisive role unless the people show their practical co-operation in this respect. 


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