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Showing posts from November, 2015


HOW TO MAKE PAKISTAN STRONG  The  question,  how  to  make Pakistan strong stirs  something tickling and sensational in the heart and soul of every Pakistani. Every inhabitant has his own answer to this Question in the light of his mental capability. Some will hold the stance that for the better and move production of crops, agriculture needs to be improved. Other will take the position that the only way of making Pakistan strong and fortified lies in its rapid industrialization. Some are of the opinion that the true strength of Pakistan lies in practicing democracy and democratization of its institutions. Some will hold the view that Pakistan can become strong only if its armed forces are fortified and are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.  The realization of all their dreams depends on only one factor and it can do miraculous job to embellish the condition of its masses and thus make Pakistan strong. The factor is that every ...


THE IMPACT OF OIL ON INTERNATIONAL RADIATIONS  It goes without saying that oil has come to play a huge role concerning the economic development of advanced countries as well as the under-developed countries. The world's oil industry is the world's leading industry in size and is perhaps the only international industry which concerns every country in the world. The output of oil has steadily enhanced over the last forty years and the older form of energy sources like coal and wood. Apart from economic interests, the shift in the oil policy of Arab nations has also been dictated by political compulsions. Aware of the reliance of US on oil outputs from the Middle East, the Arab oil producing nations used oil as a means of bringing pressure to bear on USA to discontinue its pro-Israeli policy. They announced a complete embargo on all oil sales to the United States and other countries which were willingly helping Israel in its battle against Arab Nation. So, oil bec...

Democracy Essay

Democracy Essay Every country has to follow certain kind of system to run the government and to manage the affairs of its people. Various kinds of systems have been in vogue in different countries.  Democracy is  the best form of government system in the modern era. Practically, it is neither, possible nor feasible for all the members of the public to assemble together at a certain place and decide things for themselves. So, a via media has been devised. In democracy, people in general go to polls and elect some amongst themselves as their true representatives, who act and speak on their behalf. In political parlance it is called the representative government. Abram Lincoln, a famous president of America, has defined democracy as "the government of the people, by the people and for the people". It is a form of government in which all the citizens of country have the power to decide what laws they will have and how their government will be formed at run.  The p...

Essay on Career as a Salesman

Essay on Career as a Salesman  Salesmanship holds a tremendous significance in modern era, as it has become a highly lucrative profession. The production of things on a massive scale has made it a necessary evil for the producers to dispose of their goods at a very high price. In the past two decades it had never been considered a profiting profession in Pakistan. But, now the situation is totally changed and it has become a.very charming and attractive profession for the well-qualified and educated salesmen. Seeing its importance, in the modern age, more and more educated young girls and boys are choosing and taking up this lucrative profession. A salesman holds very special place as he is not a common person. He must be a man with certain qualities because a great deal of business depends upon him.  A good salesman not only sells a product to a consumer but also guides him in making his choice. No doubt, a good salesman must have a charming and good-looking pers...

Drugs and Narcotics Essay

Drugs and Narcotics Essay Narcotics is one of the most dangerous things which has destroyed the precious basis of millions of young men all over the world. The word narcotic is used for a number of drugs, which it is presumed, make people feel better, albeit temporarily, whereas the reality is quite the reverse. The fact is that these drugs, unless they are taken under a qualified doctor's advice and care, are extremely toxic and harmful. Narcotics are habit forming and one uses them is known as an addict. He becomes so much dependent on the drug that he will not desist from committing a crime, even a felony, if he cannot get it otherwise. That's why almost all governments have banned them and declared them illegal. Narcotics have been called by different names in different countries. The more popular names used for them in America are "dope" and "drugs". A narcotic is a drug which produces narcosis, a state of numbness, "in which a person ...