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During the last two years our country has been undergoing severe shortage of energy. It's regretful to say that no new hydro-electric power schethe has been made since the completion of Tarbela Dam. The nuclear power project at chashma, which was

to generate 900 M.W. electricity, could not have been started because of hostile international climate. Meanwhile the demand for electricity is on the increase every day.. New industrial units were set up.

The programme for rural electrification has further aggravated the energy crisis. The number of electric appliances such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, television set, tape-recorder, has gone up tremendously. So, it has cast a tremendous pressure on the electric sources of the country.

If we want that the economic growth of the country does not fall, ways and means to meet the requirements of energy will have to be discovered at all costs. There is no dearth of natural resources in Pakistan. We are just to accept the challenge of time and use our resources in the best possible way. There is a tremendous hydro-electrical potential in Pakistan. It has huge resources of oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear minerals. Forests can be augmented to a very great extent. Solar, wind and geothermal sites have been indicated in various places of country.

Falling water is the only requirement for producing hydro-electricity and nature has provided us with plenty of it. According to estimate, prepared by WAPDA, the total hydel potential of Pakistan is 30,000 M.W of which 20,000 M.W is • said to be economically exploitable. Against this the authority has so far been able to install capacity of 2547 M.W only. Thus there is a huge scope for exploiting this source further. Pakistan can install small-scale electric generation plants on numerous streams, canal, rivulets and their distributaries.
Setting up mini hydro unit on available sites is technically no problem now-a-days. The turbines which can be installed on then are available in the market. The local communities can also be encouraged to take part ill the implementation of their schemes. The discovery of natural gas in 1952 came as a great' boon for industrialists and domestic consumers. It's also used for making fertilizers and a lot of other chemicals and for generating electricity L.P.G is a by product of oil refineries.

Though Pakistan has been able to increase its product of oil manifold, still more than 80°/ of its needs are met from imports. This is a huge burden on our shaky economy. Greater attention for exploring new oil wells, both on the land and i_n the sea, will have to be given. Like' oil and natural gas, coal is a very versatile product of nature. It can be used. for generating electricity, running factories, mills and railway engine. It's found in all the provinces of Pakistan and it has been found suitable for poN er generation.

At present the international climate is averse to the nuclear programme of Pakistan. Therefore, in the near future, it cannot hope to get nuclear plants for generating electricity from other countries. Our nuclear scientists and industrial technicians may one day be able to fabricate nuclear plants locally.

Pakistan can also produce electricity from the sun, winds, garbage and other local wastes. Germany and Paris have large waste burning plants producing electricity and gas for a sizable number of their citizens. We can also followed in their footsteps, Pakistan can solve its energy crisis provided the people who matter have the will to do so.

Meanwhile a lot of energy can be saved by economizing on the use air-conditioners. The use of cars and other private vehicles should be minimized. The pilferage of gas and electricity should be detected and heavy punishment should be inflicted on the guilty of this social crime.


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