THE CRISIS OF ENERGY IN PAKISTAN During the last two years our country has been undergoing severe shortage of energy. It's regretful to say that no new hydro-electric power schethe has been made since the completion of Tarbela Dam. The nuclear power project at chashma, which was to generate 900 M.W. electricity, could not have been started because of hostile international climate. Meanwhile the demand for electricity is on the increase every day.. New industrial units were set up. The programme for rural electrification has further aggravated the energy crisis. The number of electric appliances such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, television set, tape-recorder, has gone up tremendously. So, it has cast a tremendous pressure on the electric sources of the country. If we want that the economic growth of the country does not fall, ways and means to meet the requirements of energy will have to be discovered at all costs. There is no dearth of natural resources in Pakistan. W...